Tech Specs:

This website uses a relatively small set of plugins that control the core functionality, and then were heavily extended via custom coding through hooks & filters.

Gravity Forms with custom email templates, as well as dynamically populated agent information on lead submission.
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) integration for adding custom data points in a way that can easily be managed by team members, while also allowing for more fine-tuned approaches to targeting data.
Fully custom predictive text searchbar with alternative market areas to help funnel users into catchall marketplaces.
Advanced import configuration to allow team members to import large datasets for market areas without having to get into code-knowledge (Using a combination of WP All Import and some customizations within)
WP Bakery integration for all frontend templates. (I also have moderate experience with both Elementor and Divi)


Real Estate Agent lead generator for a client in the Canada real estate market. Client was looking for a way to connect buyers & sellers to agents, in a way that could be as scalable as possible, while remaining lightweight. Users come to the site, and enter paths as either a buyer or seller, and are shown a selection of agents within that market area. After selecting an agent, they’re connected with them and the lead is tracked.