Tech Specs:

This website uses a relatively small set of plugins that control the core functionality, and then were heavily extended via custom coding through hooks & filters.

Customized WooCommerce Bookings Integration, including multi-leg bookings (e.g. round trip travel)
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) integration for manipulating WooCommerce pricing on the fly for certain product types
Custom Email templates to send dispatch information to the drivers.
A far more tailored and in-depth design process through direct communication with the client.


Transportation Agency located in the Louisville Kentucky region needed a website redesign, with some new features in mind.

They have both their own fleet inventory & contracted drivers to dispatch, and needed a website that would allow users to book easily and seamlessly, while still catering to some features that are not considered “out of the box” for WooCommerce.

This website required quite a bit of custom programming to WooCommerce Bookings before it was fully complete, including integrating ACF into the programming to aid price manipulation within the bookings.

After the website was completed, the client came back to build 3 more websites with us, utilizing the same programming/template, to create a more niche experience for their target audiences, by targeting specific regions within their area through separate websites & traffic sources.